4 Calming Things You Can Do To Help With Panic Attacks

Living with panic attacks can feel frustrating and scary, making you feel hopeless. When you’re suffering from panic attacks, you may have feelings of nausea, chest tightness, or sudden feelings of fear. You want to overcome these feelings affecting your daily life, but you’re unsure where to turn. The good news is there are a few things you can do to help with panic attacks and regain control of your life. 

What Causes Panic Attacks?

It’s helpful to understand the root cause of panic attacks so you can know the best ways to manage them. Panic attacks often occur because of repressed trauma, and it’s not always possible to prevent them. While they don’t happen for the same reason in everyone, there are some calming things you can do to manage them. 

Recognize What’s Happening

People who suffer from panic attacks can feel ashamed or discouraged because they can’t feel “normal.” Believing this way can make you feel worse. When a panic attack occurs, first recognize what’s happening. Then, tell yourself it will pass, and try to set aside the overwhelming fear that wants to take control over your mind and body. 

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Uncontrolled breathing, or hyperventilation, occurs during most panic attacks, interfering with oxygen and carbon dioxide balance. Regular breathing patterns consist of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. However, during a panic attack, rapid breathing takes over, altering the balance of oxygen and making you feel lightheaded. Slow, deep breathing through the nose and exhaling through the mouth reduces pain attack symptoms and brings mental clarity. 

Incorporate Mindfulness Techniques 

Mindfulness is the practice of slowing down and enjoying the world around you. Panic attacks can make you feel out of control and detached from reality. Mindfulness techniques help ground you to reality, especially when you feel yourself spiraling out of control. Meditating when you’re stressed and focusing on the present reality can help reduce symptoms of panic attacks. Practicing every day can help reduce the occurrence of attacks and help you remain calm if an attack occurs. 

Smile and Get Happy

For most people, happiness does not simply happen. They must smile, practice gratitude, and focus on the things or people that bring them joy. Guided imagery techniques involve visualizing happy thoughts, specific places, or people that help you relax and encourage happiness. Spending time in nature, preferably in a quiet and calm location, can help treat symptoms of panic attacks and lower stress levels. 

Reach Out to A Counselor

You don’t have to suffer from the effects of panic attacks alone. Talking with a compassionate and certified therapist can help discover the root cause of your attacks and learn how to manage the symptoms. At Calm Again Counseling, we specialize in anxiety-related disorders and create customized treatment plans to help people heal and promote a better quality of life. Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn about the benefits of working with us. We look forward to helping you enjoy the life you deserve. 


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