Gaslighting Therapy in San Francisco

Gaslighting Trauma

Do you struggle with feelings of guilt or shame or feel powerless in your life?

Perhaps you feel undervalued or powerless in your relationship or the workplace.

Anyone can experience gaslighting, and they often wonder if they are the problem. At Calm Again Counseling, we provide trauma-informed therapy that helps those who have experienced gaslighting in their relationships.

Therapy can help you reclaim your confidence after being in a relationship where you have been gaslit.

Gaslighting can happen at any time and most people are not aware it’s happening. At Calm Again Counseling, our therapists understand how the emotional and psychological damage can affect all areas of your life and prevent you from achieving your goals. If you're in a relationship or situation that gradually strips away your reality and leaves you feeling anxious, lonely, and depressed, we can help.

People who are victims of gaslighting often wrestle with feelings of:

  • Doubt

  • Anxiety in your relationship

  • Sadness or hopelessness

  • Isolation

  • Guilt or shame

  • Low self-esteem

  • Overdependence on others

  • Disorientation 

If this sounds like you, you are not alone. We have a dedicated and compassionate team of evidence-based therapists who want to increase your confidence and help you reclaim control over your life. We can give you the tools to break free from the continual trauma of dysfunctional relationships.

You don't have to suffer the effects of gaslighting alone.

If you ever wonder if your life is supposed to feel this way, we can help you find relief from the overwhelming and dissociated thoughts that accompany gaslighting. You deserve to find freedom and live the life of your dreams without shame or isolation. We can help you achieve the emotional freedom you need to break away from dysfunctional relationships so you can feel connected and supported. Working with our therapists will help you gain confidence and improve your emotional and mental health with a combination of therapies:

Let us help you create the life you're longing for.

Did you know at least 75% of Americans do not know what gaslighting is or if they are experiencing it? They just know they are unhappy in their current relationship and mistrust what they hear, say, or think. If you're afraid to share your feelings and thoughts because of how others will react, we can help you live life from a place of safety rather than fear. Many clients have succeeded with our combination therapies that help them identify harmful relationships and find the confidence they need to pursue their desired life.

The effects of gaslighting can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns as you withdraw from those around you. We understand how hard it is to discuss your feelings and struggles with a stranger. If you're suffering from the effects of gaslighting, our therapists will guide you through the trauma you suffered. We are ready to show you a better way of reaching your goals and living your desired life.


If you have questions about gaslighting and how our therapy can benefit you, we are ready to answer them. Here are some common questions we receive on this therapy.

How Do I Know If I'm Suffering From Gaslighting?

Gaslighting occurs when your partner repeatedly questions your sanity or points out your inadequacies. Most people aren't aware they're a victim of this treatment, and it will look differently in every relationship. Your partner may refuse to listen to you, question your memory of events, change the subject, pretend to forget their promises, or trivialize your feelings. These are emotionally abusive patterns in a relationship and can cause you to feel confused over time. You become depressed, isolated, and anxious as you wonder what is true.

What Is Gaslighting Therapy?

Depending on how long you've been in an emotionally abusive relationship, you may suffer from intense feelings of shame and guilt. Gaslighting therapy aims to help balance your thought patterns and regain a sense of reality. By using a combination of evidence-based therapies, we can help you balance your inner knowledge and reclaim your self-worth. Your therapist may also incorporate relaxation and mindfulness techniques to encourage recovery. Combining therapies allows us to guide you toward optimal recovery.

Where Does Gaslighting Occur?

Gaslighting is a gradual process that often happens in various relationship situations. While it is most common in intimate relationships, it can also occur in parent/child relationships, political or racial situations, or the workplace. Most people are unaware they are a target for gaslighting because they may trust the person, and it isn't easy to recognize the signs. Some common signs include feeling unsure about your perceptions, thinking you're "crazy," withdrawing from others, and frequently apologizing to your abuser without knowing why. You may also feel worthless or incompetent.

What Therapies Do You Use?

Our therapists have the knowledge and extensive training in various traumas. They use cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), internal family systems (IFS), somatic therapy, brainspotting, and eye movement desensitization reprocessing. Our therapists use a combination of these therapies to help you improve self-esteem, rebuild reality, and counteract your abuser. While our therapy cannot prevent gaslighting, it can give you the confidence to seek a healthy relationship and help you recover from the harmful effects. We will match you with a therapist that meets your needs and can guide you toward your goals. We also adjust your treatment program as we work collaboratively with you for optimal results.

How Should I Prepare For Therapy?

Discussing your emotions and feelings with a stranger can seem overwhelming. We want you to know that our practice is an encouraging and safe atmosphere for you to share without fearing judgment. We recommend journaling your feelings and thoughts to help you anticipate your needs and goals. Journaling lets you visualize behaviors and thought patterns and refer to them if you feel anxious during therapy. Our therapists are patient and understand therapy is an essential step for recovery.

Are you ready to break free from fear and shame?

You don't have to suffer from the harmful effects of gaslighting. Our therapists will create a personalized recovery plan to help you find healing and faith in yourself. You do not have to suffer in silence. There is hope. Contact Calm Again Counseling today to book a consultation.