Sexual Trauma Treatment in San Francisco

Sexual Trauma

Do you long to break free from the strain of sexual trauma?

If your triggers are preventing you from moving forward in your life, there is hope for recovery.

The effects of sexual trauma can profoundly impact your mental and physical well-being. The good news is that therapy can help you fully process your trauma and provide a roadmap for healing and recovery.

The symptoms of sexual trauma can prevent you from living your best life.
Anyone can experience sexual trauma at any age, causing deep wounds that prevent you from living your best life. This particularly damaging type of trauma causes emotional, psychological, and physical issues that can persist and get worse if untreated.

People who’ve suffered from sexual trauma may struggle with:

  • Intrusive memories or flashbacks of the event

  • Headaches or chest pains

  • Nausea or abdominal discomfort

  • Inability to enjoy sex with someone they love

  • Shame, guilt, or disgust with themselves

  • Isolation

  • Substance abuse

If this sounds like you, you do not have to suffer from these symptoms alone. We have a compassionate team of dedicated therapists who provide a safe space for trauma survivors to process their feelings and thoughts as we guide them toward recovery using our specialized trauma therapies like EMDR, IFS, Brainspotting, and somatic therapy.

Therapy can help you navigate the pain of sexual trauma.

Those who’ve suffered sexual trauma want to overcome the intense pain and loneliness, but they are unsure where to begin. The truth is recovering from sexual trauma is complex and can be overwhelming, but is entirely possible. Our trauma-informed therapists work to create a customized treatment plan that includes the right psychotherapies to address the pain and isolation of sexual trauma. These therapies may include:

Let us help you face the darkness of sexual trauma once and for all.

Approximately 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experience sexual assault. Exposure causes tremendous distress and internal dysregulation, regardless of the details of the trauma or how long ago it happened. When you experience this form of trauma, the body’s cortisol levels spike to protect you against harm. People who’ve suffered any form of sexual trauma may suffer from flashbacks, intrusive memories, and other symptoms long after the event. They may live in a constant state of hypervigilance in response to their trauma.

No matter how long you’ve experienced the effects of sexual trauma, it’s never too late to reach out for help. Seeking therapy from a licensed and experienced trauma therapist allows you to embark on a journey of true healing and trauma recovery. Our trauma-based therapies can help you finally heal from sexual trauma once and for all. 


If you’ve experienced sexual trauma, you may have questions about your situation and how therapy can help. We are happy to answer your questions and point you in the right direction.

How Is Sexual Trauma Defined?

Sexual trauma is characterized by any unwanted sexual violations such as abuse, rape, assault, or harassment. These acts leave the victim with deep wounds that have the risk of altering the rest of their life.

What Are Some Common Symptoms Of Sexual Trauma?

Survivors of sexual trauma often suffer from depression, guilt, shame, and trust. Anxiety, avoidance behaviors, flashbacks, and nightmares are a few symptoms most people experience. Depending on the length and severity of the trauma, some people may experience other symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or complex PTSD, such as numbing, memory gaps, and behavioral impulsivity.

Can Therapy Help Survivors Of Sexual Trauma Recover? What Are Some Common Therapeutic Approaches?

Caring for your mental health is essential for healing. If left untreated, sexual trauma can have a serious negative impact on your mental and physical health. Trauma-focused therapies such as eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), Internal Family Systems (IFS), brainspotting, and somatic therapy can help you gently process trauma and heal even the deepest wounds. Our combination of trauma-informed psychotherapies can help you heal from trauma for good.

How Can Friends and Family Offer Support For Those Who Have Experienced Sexual Trauma?

A solid support system can help promote the healing process. Those who’ve suffered harmful sexual encounters need to know they can find safety with those they trust. They may also feel afraid to open up about their trauma, thinking no one will understand or believe them. If you know someone who has experienced sexual trauma, you can encourage them to seek professional help as you provide a listening and caring ear.

Begin Your Healing Journey Today

Are you ready to take the next steps to heal from sexual trauma? Our therapists are ready to guide you toward healing. Contact Calm Again Counseling today to schedule a free 15-minute consultation and discover how therapy can help.