Therapy for Panic Disorder in Oakland and San Francisco

Panic Attack Therapy

You are not ‘overreacting.’

Are you confused if what you’ve experienced is actually a panic attack? 

When people say things like “I was so freaked out I had a panic attack”, do you feel even

more confused about what a panic attack really looks like?

A panic attack will cause sudden feelings of fear/terror and strong physical reactions. When you’re having a panic attack, it may even feel like you’re having a heart attack. 

Panic disorder can develop when you worry too much about having another panic attack or change behaviors to avoid having a panic attack, this is less common than panic attacks and happens for about 2-3% of those who experience panic attacks.

Panic attacks usually start out with a sense of fear or dread that escalates into symptoms that feel very much out of your control.

Symptoms may include:

  • Increased heart rate

  • Fear of losing control

  • Nausea or stomach pain 

  • Fear of dying

  • Excessive sweating

  • Choking sensations

  • Shortness of breath

  • Chills

  • Tingling or numbness in your fingers and toes

  • Shaking

  • Depersonalization (feeling like you’re not in your body)

Panic attacks are not just associated with panic disorder. They can also be a result of many other issues such as:

It’s also very possible to experience panic attacks if you do not meet the criteria for any of the above.

Panic Attacks are more common than you might think.

Each year in the US alone, about 11% of people experience panic attacks. Women are also twice as likely to experience panic attacks. 

According to findings from the National Institute of Mental Health Epidemiologic Catchment Area Program, over one million people are treated for panic disorder each year in the United States.

But many people wait as long as ten years before seeking treatment for this illness.

Panic Attacks are treatable, don’t wait any longer going through life with fear and dread.

We know panic attacks feel scary, out of control, and at times like you could die or will “go crazy”. 

We also know you can’t control when they happen to you, and thinking about one happening again may make it difficult to go certain places or engage in certain activities. 

In fact, at CAC, we specialize in anxiety and anxiety-related issues ALONE. 

That means you can rest assured we’ve worked with what you’re experiencing before and have helped hundreds of people overcome panic attacks and get long-term relief, fast. 

We use evidence-based therapies proven to be most effective for panic attacks such as CBT, Exposure Therapy, and Mindfulness techniques to help you feel better faster in as little as 5-15 sessions. 

In fact, in a study reported in the professional journal Behavior Therapy, using CBT for panic disorder helped 85% of the clients become panic-free, and two years later 81% of them were still panic-free, all without using medications.

The good news is, Panic Attacks are very treatable with Psychotherapy. In fact, most people that receive therapy for panic attacks get better. 

 See the criteria for panic attacks and panic disorder here. 

Read our blog where we discuss panic attacks in more detail and give helpful tips on how to get relief. 

Watch our video where John gives more helpful info on panic attacks here.

Don’t let fear and dread dictate your life any longer, get started with one of our therapists today!

If someone in your life has commented on your anger, it’s definitely time to get help.